Maries at the Tomb on Easter Morning
Commissioned by Evangelisation Brisbane
Rural scene
Commissioned by Evangelisation Brisbane
Tree of Life
Commissioned by Evangelisation Brisbane
Jesus in Prayer
Commissioned by Evangelisation Brisbane
The Path
Commissioned by Evangelisation Brisbane
Commissioned by Evangelisation Brisbane
Bird in Nest
Commissioned by Evangelisation Brisbane
Healing of the Blind Bartimaeus
Inspired by Ulrich Henn, 2013
Jesus walking on the water
If I can but touch the tassel of his cloak...
St. Ignatius Loyola
Commissioned by Bellarmine Prep, 2013
Santa Lucia
Created for a friend
Christ, the Good Shepherd
Commissioned by the Archdiocese of Seattle
St. Bernadette
Commissioned by the Shrine of St. Bernadette, New Mexico
Our Lady of Fatima
Commissioned by Our Lady of Fatima Parish, Seattle
Paschal Lamb
Dove descending
The Finding in the Temple
Virgin of the Annunciation
Martha and Mary
Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini
Saint Nicholas and the Pickled Boys
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
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